Amazing experience
 "On a random urge to visit a psychic fair in upper NY, I chanced to meet Roland for a brief healing session. When I met him, I was at the beginning of a very difficult and emotional challenge and I remember he asked what I needed and I said, I needed 20 lbs of emotional weight taken off me and I swear those fifteen minutes were the most healing I have ever experienced. I wished I had signed up for a longer time. However, since then I have seen Roland several times and he has been an important part of my healing journey and I am extremely grateful. I have been to several healers and Roland by far has been one of the most impressive. Thank you a million times!!!"

​​Lilia U


"This healing session was truly a life changing experience, the light healing energy that was channeled cleared all my negative blockages and the heartwarming feel is undescribable. I feel so great and clear & I just want to say thank you so much truly !!!!!!"


Amazing Experience!

"Just want to share that a 15 min sample of Roland's energy healing Made me feel incredible, brand new. All of a sudden I had a new sense of gratitude, calm, happiness and confidence. My left chronic hip pain has significantly improved so much so that it's almost irrelevant. After this sample session, I committed to a one-hour session on another day and had my best friend (non-believer) do the same. Needless to say.... she is now a huge fan/ believer. My second experience was also incredible. I felt things I've never felt and/ or haven't felt in a long time. This man is incredible! And he will be a frequent tool for me and my two best friends. Love him!! No regrets!"

Jessica R

BuddhaHawk Healing

I'm feeling new born!

"I had the pleasure of meeting Roland and the holistic expo. This was so far my first energy healing and I can't thank Roland enough. It was such a powerful experience! Roland has a very bright and pure personality. Inspiring and easy to connect with. My heart chakra felt since a very long time very stuck like a heavy stone was laying on my heart and thorax. The first three to four minutes were very relaxing, but suddenly I felt uncontrolled muscle twitching in my arms and torso, my body started to sweat. The feeling increased in seconds, it literally felt like he pulled something out of my body!! I even heard a lady saying "wow you can SEE how we pulls something out". I felt frustration, sadness, anger, impuissance and rage at the same time. I had to hold my tears back, this emotion overwhelmed me completely. It felt like my emotions very rushing through my whole body, like a thunderstorm. But shortly after such a peace and release and pureness came over my body! I was still shaking and my body grasps for deep breaths, but I felt so light like a feather. I was able to breathe so freely, I never ever experienced this in my whole life. I didn't even know breathing can be so beautiful :) I even realized the next day that my eyesight improved, my eyes were very open and "more active". Thank you so much Roland for this life changing experience, I definitely come back for another energy healing! Best, Christina"

Christina T.

"I just had a session with Roland this past weekend. I just want to say what an AMAZING experience it was. I suffered from chronic fatigue and various other problems. After that 1 hour session, I was a Brand New Woman! I felt such a sense of peace and healing finally coursing through me, energies that I haven't felt in years! I felt like my broken heart and soul was finally put back together and filled with peace and serenity. That night I finally slept and woke up refreshed!!! That hasn't happened in 3+ years. I was afraid to get this done, but once I opened up & let the light and energy in, I was Alive again. I recommend everyone to have Roland do a session! He truly has amazing Gift! I look forward to having the chakra balancing again and refreshed. Thank you so Much, Roland!! You were God sent to me!"

Stephany S.

"Hello Roland,
I want to thank you very much again for the healing energy in yesterday's treatment.  As soon as I walked upstairs I felt lighter and my eyesight was brighter / sharper.  Overnight I communed with my guides, guardians, and some past loved ones. I feel strong again.  The past 12 years of stress, trauma, and negativity are gone.  I am back to my previous strength, openness, healing levels. THANK YOU!"

Tana F


"Roland's healing felt warm and comforting through the whole session. I immediately felt grounded, centered and relaxed. My whole being was at ease during and after the treatment. Roland reminded me of things from my past I hadn't thought about in years but tied into current life situations. He also validated certain feelings and thoughts I had but hadn't expressed to anyone. He was very comforting, warm and knowledgeable. I have been to a good amount of healers and he was by far one of the best. Working straight from the heart and his intuition, he is truly guided by a presence that coincides with your highest good. I can't wait to work with Roland again. Roland, thank you for being you!"

Adrienne M

Here's what people are saying!

Life Changing
"From the moment that I met Roland, I knew that he was a good person. I instantly felt at ease, and began speaking with him on a very deep level. He is spiritual and at the same time, easy going and fun; he is not afraid to open up about his journey, and that means the world to me. Before beginning, he asked me to set an intent for the healing, to which I replied that I wanted to "better understand my life's path, and live from a conscious state as often as possible." Well, during my healing, I had an epiphany! I realized many life changing thoughts regarding my spiritual path, and overall journey. Most importantly, I realized that I had not been happy working a 9-5 job, and living a conventional life, in quite a while (a year to be exact); I had not felt inspired in a long time, and I also realized that I needed to stop pursuing life goals based on what others expected of me. I could not try to make others happy, I needed to make myself happy! This line of thinking continued, as I realized my true desire: to quit, and travel, and celebrate life before perusing my own career goals. Needless to say, Roland definitely helped me achieve my session's intent! I have now been planning on how to achieve this epiphany, or better said, life goal within the next 2-4 months, and Roland's healing was instrumental in realizing all of this. And also, in pushing me to be honest with myself, and to not let go of these goals even after the healing. Thank you Roland, for helping me to wake up! And go!"

Erica A.

Beautiful, Amazing experience!!

"First off, I'd like to say that If you have not yet had that chance to meet Roland, you're already missing out!! He is such a caring person and very passionate about what he does. After seeing him work a few times at some expo's and getting recommendations from friends, I decided to contact him about an energy healing session. By far one of the best decisions I've made in my life. The experience was something I can't even explain. It was a total out of body experience for me. I've never been more relaxed and centered. I never felt the complete happiness and alignment that I did after my session. Roland made me feel so comfortable and took so much time to talk to me and explain the process, both before and after. He gave me the knowledge to continue my healing journey (which I still practice daily). I recommend this to anyone thinking about trying it! Don't think about it anymore! Just do it, you won't regret it! Thank you so much Roland!! I'm already planning for another session. I'll be in touch soon!"

Christina C.

"Roland is great with amazing energy. Felt like a ray of sunshine was hitting my shoulder the whole session. Much was uncovered and I definitely felt nice and light after the session."

​Greg P.

Amazing Grace

"Roland helped coat me so much and it was very first time. I left so light and airy. I knew immediately he was working his magic as the waves of warmth came through my body. The easy he uses energy to heal is beyond anything I've ever experienced and I cannot wait for my next session. He's my saving Grace."

Lori k.


"Working with Roland was beyond what I had expected. He puts so much effort into making your session as personal and detailed as possible, making you comfortable and relaxed in order to benefit from your experience. As a result, I was provided a truly spiritual and life-altering experience. He helped me connect with my intuition and aided in helping me understand experiences and situations that were beyond my knowledge. His cheerful and light-hearted presence made the whole experience more than just a healing, it was truly a spiritual experience and I was blessed to partake! Thank you, Roland!"

Stefani B.


"I had a lot of anxiety and stress. Also pain and thanks to Roland i Started feeling much better. I will look into more sessions with Roland to treat anxiety"


Thank you!

"Roland, Thank you so much for the healing session at The Crystal Connection. You clear up a lot of questions. Your suggestions are working for me and I feel more in step with life- easy, light and even brighter. Also, it feels like I just met a friend for life. Thank you the heavens for you. :)

I am definitely having another session with you. Sending you many blessing and joy."

Cynthia B.


"It was TERRIFIC having a session with Roland. I was feeling groggy, anxious, and disoriented before my treatment. In the middle of working with him, I felt calm, hypnotized, and bonded to his work. He focused on my head -- as it was bothering me most; yet, he calmed my breathing and fixed diaphragm issues I didn't even know I was having! Moreover, I had a complete spiritual journey between both my mind and body through his energy alone. After his healing, I felt sharper than a knife, awake, and at ease. He told me everything he observed during treatment that really drew some conclusions in the dreams I've been having and who I am as a person. I recommend him 200% for any issue you may be having! Thank you!"

Honor M.


"Best healing for my Mother! She is now a believer, praise Jesus because I have been trying to get her to believe for a very long time! She has COPD, was in the hospital and couldn't breathe. It was so scary! You did a distant healing for her and the next day she was able to breathe on her own!! She was home in a week!! She went from being told she needed a lung transplant to going home with NO oxygen because she was breathing so well on her own!!! You are truly gifted and AMAZING!!! Thank you so much from my heart and soul!!"

Antonette M.